Goodbye Google Reader, Hello Bloglovin and Feedly!

If you've relied on Google Reader as a way to read your favorite blogs, you have about a week left (until July 1st) to import your favorite blogs into another reader. I have two suggestions for places to import your feed into, Bloglovin and Feedly!

Bloglovin is more than just a blog reader, it's a feed that allows others to "like" posts they enjoy and that gets listed under "Popular Posts" so you can see some of the best-liked posts under a certain topic.

I've been a member of Bloglovin for quite some time and I really enjoy using it on the computer. If you'd like a tutorial on how to import your Google Reader into Bloglovin, read this post. If you'd like to follow me on Bloglovin, feel free to click the pink "+" symbol in the sidebar, the button below, or the picture below to be directed to my Bloglovin page! There's also a Bloglovin app you can download for your smartphone.

Follow on Bloglovin


Feedly is another option for you to use. Feedly is similar to Google Reader in its setup and is even easier to set up. Just head over to Feedly and click "One-click Google Reader import" to import your feed in. There's also a Feedly app for your smartphone (I like using it over Bloglovin's app although it does take a bit to get used to). You can also click the button to get sent over to my Feedly feed.

follow us in feedly

Be sure to switch over to either option to ensure you can continue getting posts from your favorite blogs!

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