A lot of you guys may have come from Syl and Sam's blog post from when I sent them a care package of Konad nail art plates. They replied back saying they were sending me something and after that I promptly forgot about it.
Until today.
I got the envelope from them and when I opened it I squealed "HOW DID THEY KNOW"
and then I read the card, haha. They are extremely generous and so so nice it's kind of amazing.
So this is what I got :') This is a necklace from their clothing company Lipgloss and Black and it was recycled from their clothing scraps. I'm not very eco-friendly so it's rather nice to get a small start by having this.
I also received some skincare samples and a sticker from a poutine restaurant in Toronto! I rather wish we had poutine in California so this is as close as I can get!
If you're interested in buying this, here's the link to it! If necklaces aren't your style, they even make a headband version!

Disclaimer: Yeah yeah this was a gift but no they're not paying me to say anything. Hell if I had the money I'd be buying all of their inventory!